Colt's Growing Chart

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Addie's Growing Chart

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Baby's Growing Chart

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Circle City CrossFit

We opened a CrossFit Box!!  Circle City CrossFit, we along with two other couples...The Haglers and Pauley's.  I'm still in disbelief that we did this, but what a fun business to run.  It's like a big adult playroom!  I've never really done CrossFit, it's definitely a huge fad right now...hopefully not just a fad but it's definitely booming right now and I have grown to love it!:)  It's such an awesome feeling to call something like this ours and business is going better than expected:)  Awesome actually!!

Here's some pictures of the box...There is office space also with a playroom for the kids and a TV room (kid friendly).  We want to have childcare one day but right now if you bring your kids then have someone with you to watch them or they may be old enough to stay and play/watch tv on their own. 

The bar bells (Men's, Women's/Training)

The "Infinity Rig"...only the cool CF box's have these:)

The rowers and boxes - full body workout!

We can't have enough weights!  I have really enjoyed throwing these...feel SO cool!

Wall balls and kettlebells.  I think that first one is about 80+ lbs!

This is before we actually opened up.  Everyone helping and trying things out.

Open fields beside the box...hoping for a competition in our future out here!

9' and 10' is the markings for where the women and men have to throw the wall balls.
OUR verse:)

Josh and some others have been hard at work adding some additional flooring to the gym.  Pictures to come soon!

Colt's 3 Year Check-up

Colt visited the doctor too for his 3 year well check-up while Addie had her 9 month check-up.  It was actually fun for me to take both babies to the doctor.  Dr. B is SO good with both kids.  He said Colt looked nice and slim and healthy.  Just the way he is suppose to look.  He weighed 33 lbs and was 38.5 inches tall - 75th percetile for both...still consistent as he has been.  Here's a pic of our big boy at 3 years.

 He is so beautiful to me:)  It's hard to catch him on camera because he doesn't like getting his pic taken and he's always on the move.

This is why I don't have many pictures or Colt...this is him "cheezing" at the camera.  Haha.